
I often get asked which is a better choice for headshots, a studio setting or on location. So hopefully this will make your decision a little clearer. Either way, a professional headshot is essential regardless of your profession. The most important thing about a good headshot is the human connection. This can be achieved both in a studio and location setting.

Why are headshots important for business?

An online presence is such a key role in today’s business world. Never more so than in our current climate. So, a good professional headshot has never been more important. Regardless of what platform you are using for your headshot, whether it is your website, Linkedin, Facebook or Instagram, your headshot will be the first impression of you to your audience and potential clients. First impressions really do count.

relaxed headshot

Studio headshots have a clean simple and consistent style to them. They are taken using artificial light against a plain backdrop, usually neutral in colour, white or grey are popular. Some people prefer the privacy or a studio and may feel more self-conscious posing in an outdoor setting, especially in a public area. Studio headshots can appear to be more professional and corporate but can also be relaxed sessions where I will use a chair or a stool.

studio headshot

I also offer personal branding headshots, which are studio based and include a desk set up and props of your own.

relaxed studio headshots

The main difference is that studio shots are contrived, so however natural you look the viewer knows you were posing for the camera. They are however clean, consistent and professional.No alt text provided for this image

Location shoots

location headshots

Location headshots or environmental portraits as they are sometimes referred to are exactly that. They are headshots taken in your environment whether that is at your place of work or just outside in a park or at the beach. These are taken using available light with the occasional use of flash, so can appear to be softer and more relaxed. The experience can be more relaxed too as you are in your own environment or outside with nature.

The main difference is they are unique and the location can bring character to the shot. This helps to reinforce your personal brand. They can be fun and natural yet still professional.

I hope this has shed a little light on the differences between the two sessions. I make sure both sessions are a relaxed and pleasant experience for you and the results are exactly what you wanted. The consistent feedback from my clients is that I put them at ease. Additionally, they enjoy the whole experience despite most people initially saying they hate having their photo taken!

If you would like advice about what type of headshot would suit you then please get in touch. I would be more than happy to talk this through with you.

info@fionamooreyphotography.com or if you are happier to chat then call me on 07854 442391.